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Are you looking for IV therapy in Scottsdale or the greater Phoenix area that can be customized to your exact needs? If so, we’re happy to let you know that True Life IV Therapy at Summit Aesthetics can do exactly that!

The medical-grade IVs used by our licensed IV therapists near you can be customized to add medication such as non-narcotic pain management (especially helpful for migraine treatment), anti-nausea treatment (beneficial in treating morning sickness, migraines, or hangovers), anti-histamine treatment for allergy relief, antacids for upset stomachs, and more.

Because your IV therapy can be blended to meet your precise need at any given time, you can even choose from add-ons such as non-narcotic anti-inflammatory medication, a blend of supplements to support weight loss and boost vitality, of or a blend of vitamins such as Vitamin B complex or Vitamin C to fight fatigue and shore up against flu season.

Customization is Key at True Life IV Therapy

The IV therapy treatment we offer allows you to add a custom-selected blend of medicines and nutrients into your system so your body can begin using them faster than it would take for your body to utilize them through your digestive system.

We know that it’s never fun to not feel your best. That’s why we customize IV therapy to help restore your health and vitality in about 45 minutes or less through a variety of add-on wellness boosts.

Plus, the treatment time is fast! Most blends of medical and vitamin-enhanced IV wellness treatments can be completed in less than one hour; however, our NAD+ Brainfood drip may take up to two hours. Either way, we’re sure you’ll agree that those times are far preferred to spending a day or more not feeling well.

Medication Add-Ons
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