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What is derma rolling?

Derma rolling is also called collagen induction therapy or CIT. It is performed with a handheld roller device covered with microneedles known as a derma roller. This device is rolled over the skin to create hundreds of tiny puncture wounds. These micro-injuries trigger a healing, skin repair response leading to new collagen creation.

Am I a candidate for derma rolling?

You may be a good candidate for derma rolling if you are an adult in good general health, free from infections, and want to address skin issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. This treatment can be repeated safely, as it leaves the epidermis (outer skin layer) intact. It can be used on more delicate areas, such as the hands and chest and around the eyes and mouth.

Dermaplane in North Scottsdale

What can I expect with derma rolling in north Scottsdale?

A topical anesthetic is applied to your skin before treatment. The derma roller device is rolled across the treatment areas in various directions, creating hundreds of tiny puncture wounds. This procedure typically takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to perform, depending on the extent of treatment. Pinpoint bleeding in the treatment areas is easily controlled. Moderate acne scars may require three to four derma rolling treatment sessions.

What is recovery like after derma rolling?

In most cases, this treatment is easily tolerated. There may be some skin irritation lasting for two to three days after the procedure. You may be advised to use topical antibiotic cream and sunscreen for at least a week after treatment. There is minimal downtime with derma rolling. You may return to work the following day.

What are the benefits of derma rolling?

This popular, minimally-invasive treatment has several benefits:

  • It is a non-surgical technique for facial rejuvenation.
  • The procedure is simple and cost-effective.
  • Derma rolling dramatically increases the absorption and effectiveness of preparations applied to the skin.
  • It provides an effective treatment for removing or reducing wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars.
Dermaplane in North Scottsdale


When should you not have derma rolling treatments?

Although derma rolling is appropriate for adults of all ages and skin types, it may not be suitable if you are:

  • Taking medications such as antibiotics, antidepressants, or hypertension drugs that have side effects affecting the skin or cause photosensitivity
  • Undergoing other cosmetic treatments, such as chemical peels, dermal filler injections, laser resurfacing, or aesthetic surgery
  • Afflicted with abnormal skin problems, such as cold sores, eczema, keloid scars, fungal infections, bruises, or skin cancer

How many treatment sessions will I need?

More than one treatment may be required to obtain optimal results. For example, scars typically require a series of treatment sessions.

How soon will I see results after derma rolling treatments?

Speed of results with derma rolling can depend in part on the length of the needles used and the products used with treatment. You may see some improvement in skin texture right away. More noticeable results should appear within six weeks after treatment, with new collagen growth continuing for even longer.

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